The Northeast Nebraska Joint Housing Authority provides stable, quality affordable housing opportunities for l...

The Northeast Nebraska Joint Housing Authority provides stable, quality affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income families throughout the local community. Through the provision of public housing apartments and the management of Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, the Northeast Nebraska Joint Housing Authority serves more than 73 low-income families and individuals, while supporting healthy communities.

NNJHA serves low income families in the counties of Dixon, Wayne and non-metro-Dakota with HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental and mortgage assistance. Tenants pay 30% of their monthly income towards the issued voucher bedroom-size-home costs allowed by HUD. Some guidelines include: initial and annual home inspection, a one year lease, household changes/income, a lease to own, shared housing, lot rent for trailer home. Landlords cannot be family members. NNJHA mission statement: To promote adequate, affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment for the families we serve without discrimination.

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