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Event Information
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Our next Community Action Conversations Webinar will be hosted next Monday night, May 1st at 6:00 P.M.! This month’s free webinar will feature guest speaker Laurie Beardsley who will cover all things Credit and what it means to be Credit Conscious. We will explore ways to establish or improve your credit score as well as tips and tricks regarding credit. Join us by registering at the link below to learn how your credit score plays an important role in the financial aspects of your life.

Community Action Agency of Siouxland has started a FREE monthly webinar series called Community Action Conversations. These seminars will feature guest speakers focused on providing information about important resources, topics, and life skills for the community. Our goal is to make these topics accessible to all and provide a safe space for people to feel welcome to come, learn, and ask questions they may have without fear of judgment. Community Action Conversations will take place on the first Monday of every month at 6:00 P.M. Each speaker will present for roughly 45 minutes to an hour and have time at the end to answer any and all questions. Many of our speakers have also offered to be available afterward for private discussion with any individuals with questions about their specific situations.
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